I can hardly believe it! Another "milestone" reached. It's all easy and downhill from here, right? (HA!)
Now begins my twice weekly appointments to check the babies' maturation - for example, checking to see if they are practicing breathing, moving normally, and just watching for any signs of distress. I am already exhausted thinking about all of these ultrasounds and appointments but I will do whatever it takes to get these boys here healthy.
Let me recap the last couple of weeks real quick before moving on to my 28 week growth ultrasound.
Last week I had my OB appointment where I was informed that I did indeed fail my glucose test so I am now officially diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I meet with a dietician tomorrow to create a plan of action, but I've already started monitoring my blood sugar 4 times a day. I do not like pricking my fingers!
After my OB appointment, they sent me to the hospital to have my first steroid shot (just as a precaution) and to have a non-stress test. Well, the hospital informed me that they didn't have the equipment to properly monitor all three babies, so they gave me an ultrasound instead. My poor friend Amanda (who has been my lifesaver throughout this entire pregnancy and is my "on call" friend, anytime, day or night - seriously, every girl needs an Amanda), was stuck with me the entire morning while we visited doctors, got shots (FYI - steroid shots burn! But they are survivable.), and had an ultrasound. It's always fun seeing the babies though.
My parents came into town last week (just left yesterday), and it was so wonderful having them here to take care of every little thing and give my poor, long-suffering husband a break, especially since he just returned to work full time. So week 27 was by far the fastest and easiest week of my pregnancy!
On to the week 28 ultrasound! My mom took me to the appointment (they didn't have to leave until yesterday afternoon) and I was glad she got a chance to see the babies, although they are getting hard to see very well since they are so big! My sonographer (Wanda - I LOVE her) had to start with Baby C since they were all in strange positions. Their heads were all together near my rib cage. No wonder I have felt some serious movement going on these last couple of weeks!
I was excited to start with Caden because I wanted to see his growth. I was really hoping for two pounds minimum, and I about burst into tears on the table when she told me he was only 1 pound, 14 ounces. I was so discouraged and I feel so helpless to help my poor little baby grow. But other than his size, he appears to be doing fine. He's moving, has good blood flow, and his head is normal size for his age. It's just his body that's small. I spent most of my consult with the doctor discussing him, and he basically said he's not even paying much attention to his size. Rather, he's more focused on how he's maturing, making sure everything is working the way it should. He said that growth restriction could be caused by chromosomal abnormalities or birth defects, but that his gut tells him that this is not what is causing it and that he believes Caden will be just fine. He says we will just need to be vigilant and watch for signs of distress. As soon as that happens (if it happens), we will deliver all three of them. But he's still hoping to make it past 34 weeks.
Then on to Brooks, Caden's twin. He also looked great...and FAT! He weighed in at 3 pounds, 3 ounces! I about passed out when she told me that! We also caught him practicing his breathing at one point.
Since the babies are getting too large for the ultrasound screen, we didn't get many pictures yesterday, but here is one picture that we caught that cracked me up. You have to put on your ultrasound goggles, but once you see it, it's really quite funny:
Asher really shocked us too. He has always been either the same size or just smaller than Brooks. Well, this week he has taken the lead! He is now 3 pounds, 5 ounces!!! Yikes! That means I have over 8 pounds of baby in me, and still at least 5-7 weeks to go!
All looked well with Asher, though he would not get into a position where we could get a good picture, so this will have to suffice. It's a sweet picture of what I like to think is Brooks kissing the back of Ashers' head. We actually saw his mouth close to his head and then he pulled back just as the picture was taken. Again, those brotherly instincts that warm my heart and make me even more excited to meet my little boys:
That's it for the update on the boys! As for me, I look like Buddha when I sit now. My belly is huge, and it aches constantly from the never-ending growth. When people touch it, it feels tingly - like when somebody touches your arm after it's fallen asleep. I have that numb, tingly feeling all the time now, combined with stretching pain. My back is also always in pain. I've been trying to use a belly support for some relief, and it helps a little, but there's always discomfort somewhere. And of course, my lovely congestion and cough hasn't gone away, though it is a little more bearable lately.
I am still not officially on bedrest, though I do get winded walking halfway down the hallway! My mother took great pleasure in secretly videotaping my pregnancy waddle while she was here. I'm sure my brothers are laughing at the video right about now...but if I know my sisters-in-law, they are laughing on the outside but sympathetic on the inside!
I haven't taken a 28 week picture yet, so the 27 week will have to do: